By His Grace

From the moment I held my copy of Loved Baby in my hands, I knew this was an extraordinary book! A wellspring of life-giving words for the weary grieving Mother.  Today I am excited to review Loved Baby, and have two copies to giveaway!


There are 31 devotions in all and the first one, You Are Becoming a New Creation, begins with the encouragement and love of a friend who has been there and knows exactly how you are feeling.

Dear mama, you are like this field of wildflowers. You were your bright self when all of a sudden your precious offspring left for heaven. You did nothing to cause this, yet it is far from where you thought your life would be planted in this season. Now you are suffocating. You don’t look or feel like your former self, do you? You can barely take care of yourself – much less give life to others.” LOVED Baby – Chapter 1

This is exactly how I felt the first time I lost a baby.

My hormones were raging and I was feeling very pregnant! So when I went to the Doctor’s office to hear my baby’s heartbeat for the first time, and we couldn’t find it. I was immediately overcome with shock and dismay. The test showing my hormone levels came back showing that I was indeed very pregnant, and I felt very pregnant, but we could not find my baby’s heartbeat.

My Doctor was leaving to go on vacation and said we probably need to take a quick look laparoscopically and see what is going on. He scheduled me to go to the surgery center the next morning. As I walked into the cold, sterile room to slip on a gown, I began hemorrhaging. Alone, scared and confused I cried out to God for help.

Several hours later the Doctor came out to the waiting room to find my husband. He informed him that I was okay, but it was much more severe than he had anticipated. My sweet baby was stuck exiting my fallopian tube and attached to the outside of my uterus. This rare condition is known as a corneal pregnancy, and it nearly cost me my life.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. – Proverbs 13:12

Here I was in the prime of my youth hopefully anticipating the life that was growing inside of me and dreaming of the future. To then suddenly be recovering from surgery and grieving the loss of my baby. It felt like someone had sucked all the air out of the room. I felt hopeless.

Why was this happening?

How could I continue on?

Your very roots have come undone. You wonder if you will ever emerge from this sadness. Gather close as I tell you: YOU WILL GET TO THE OTHER SIDE OF GRIEF.” – LOVED Baby – Chapter 1


Sarah acknowledges the painful place the reader is in now and reminds you that you won’t be there forever and then points to the truth of God word from Isaiah 40:31 NASB

Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength: They will mount up with wings like eagles. they will run and not get tired, and they will walk and not become weary. 

[ctt template=”2″ link=”RM4f5″ via=”yes” ]In the midst of our deepest pain and struggles, we must look to God and His promises for our life to help to see us through.[/ctt]

Each devotion is overflowing with scripture, hope, and encouragement!Sarah points the reader to the Lover of our Soul, the One who will every broken heart. And closes each chapter with a section entitled Soul Work, which is the practical application portion of the devotion followed by Prayer Time.fullsizeoutput_227cI will never forget the blessing of a sweet friend who brought me a silver baby bootie with the date engraved on the bottom and encouraged me to cherish and remember my sweet loved baby. I placed that along with several other treasured items of remembrance, like my sonogram pictures in a beautiful box that sits on my bookshelf as a tribute to my angel babies. These tangible acknowledgments have helped me to grieve the loss of those sweet babies. That is one of the reasons that I love that Fashion & Compassion and Sarah Philpott have teamed up to provide this beautiful bracelet as a symbol of remembrance.


For a limited time Loved Baby and Fashion & Compassion have partnered together to provide a beautiful bracelet of remembrance for your Loved Baby. You can check out that bundle at Fashion & Compassion Bundle.

Loved Baby needs to be in the hands all women grieving the loss of a loved baby! Thanks to Sarah Philpott, Broadstreet Publishing, and the Blog About Network I have two copies of Loved Baby to giveaway!

The first one will be given away through my blog. Simply leave a comment below and share this post on social media to be eligible to win. The contest will run through the month of October which is Pregnancy and Infant loss awareness month.


The other copy will be given away through social media. Make sure that you follow Misty Phillip on all social media channels and watch for the giveaway to happen in October!

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