By His Grace
Misty and Peter Phillip: The Struggle is Real Launch

Misty and Peter Phillip: The Struggle is Real Launch

Today we are celebrating the launch of The Struggle is Real: But So is God Bible study!  Launching as a number #1 new release in Christian Education on Amazon today May 7, 2019.

My incredible husband Peter Phillip who is the genius behind the scenes of the podcast steps in front of mic today. Peter is the one who does all of the audio editing and technology support for By His Grace each week. I am delighted to have him join me for this episode.

We talk about some of the struggles that led to me to the creation of my blog, book, and podcast. Peter and I discuss the why behind The Struggle is Real: But So is God Bible Study, and the genesis of By His Grace podcast. We also talk about the importance of building a community both online and off.

For more information about The Struggle is Real: But So is God Bible Study visit



The Why Behind The Struggle Bible Study

The Why Behind The Struggle Bible Study

For the past three years, I have been praying, dreaming, writing, and pounding away on the keyboard. In my crack time between being a wife, and busy homeschool mom. I have spent hundreds of hours pouring my heart onto the page in coffee shops, on park benches, at my kitchen table. All in hopes that it will help those battling hard times and point them to Jesus. Because Jesus changes everything! He has radically changed my life, and if He can do it for me, then he can do it for you!

The Struggle is Real

I am sure you have heard the expression, “the struggle is real”. We use that phrase in jest to talk about having a bad hair day, and we chuckle about it, but sometimes the struggles in life are real and they are not a joking matter!

I have good news for you, friend: the struggle is real, but so is God! Share on X

The Bible is filled with stories of imperfect men and women who faced all sorts of obstacles and challenges in their lives. Each of their lives was touched by the grace of a loving Father who continues to redeem all things to himself through Christ. I have heard it said that history is His-Story. It is a beautiful story of redemption from the beginning until now.

The Why Behind  – The Struggle Is Real Bible Study!

My life has been filled with many struggles and challenges, some of my own making, others as a result of living in a fallen world. Some suffering I have endured because the Lord has allowed those things to happen in my life for His good and His glory. Through it all, the Lord has taught me the importance of standing firm in my faith and walking in victory.

We all have hard things that we go through. My trials may not look like your trials because difficulties come in all shapes and sizes. But what I do know for sure is that, no matter what you are facing right now, God is there to see you through. 

You are an overcomer, and God wants you to live in victory! Share on X

I did my first Bible Study in my mid-twenties and I was hooked. I fell head over heels in love with Jesus and his word. It was my life-line through the day to day struggles in my marriage, with illness, pain, grief, loss of babies and parents, raising a special needs child, and homeschooling.

Even though I was a believer, I spent many of those years living defeated because life was hard! I held on to hurt, and shame from my past, instead of casting my cares on Jesus. I went to people to try to solve my problems instead of getting flat on my face before Jesus for help. My life began to change as I poured over scripture and began claiming the promises available to me in the Bible for myself. The only thing that got me through these difficult seasons of life was to look to God and His Word for hope. In those trying times, I found biblical solutions and scriptural promises that helped me overcome.

This is why I wrote The Struggle is Real: But so is God Bible Study!

I want to help women lay claim to the promises available to them in scripture so that they can walk in the freedom of Christ in victory!

The theme of overcoming is magnificently woven throughout the Bible. God is not silent on the matter. In the Struggle is Real: But So is God, we will delve deep into the Word of God to see what scripture has to say about living a victorious life and follow the theme of overcoming throughout the Bible. We examine it in light of the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and draw on the promises and the good news of scripture. We will also consult biblical commentaries, along with Greek and Hebrew word studies, to enhance our understanding. At the conclusion of each day, a section of practical application will help us apply what we’ve learned. Followed by a set of declarations to speak over yourself.

The Word is Our Guide

God has given us the lives of the men and women of both the Old and New Testaments to serve as examples of how we should live. The Bible is the inspired word of God, and it is a beautiful love letter from the Lord to his children. Through the promises of scripture, we have everything we need to overcome any problem, challenge, or stressful situation we face in our lives. 

We see this clearly illustrated in 2 Peter:

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire. (2 Peter 1:3-5 English Standard Version, emphasis added)

Claiming Biblical Promises

There are great promises for those who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. When we believe in Him, God gives us His divine power through Christ. It is the same power that raised Jesus from the grave! By knowing Him, by spending time reading, studying, and memorizing His word, and through prayer to Him, we have everything we need to live in victory. Wherever you are in your walk with the Lord, it is my prayer that He uses this study to draw you closer to Him.

Join me for a further in-depth study on biblical promises for overcomers in

The Struggle is Real: But so is God Bible Study.

Now is the time to know what God says about you and how you can live a victorious life. Discover faith and integrity are the character qualities that are yours as an overcomer. Each in-depth study has thought-provoking questions to journal, so you will be able to see your personal growth.

The Struggle Is Real, But So Is God is a 6-week journey through the Bible that will:

Equip you with empowering wisdom.

Help you grow spiritually by claiming God’s promises as your own.

Teach you how to declare scripture over yourself to strengthen your inner being.

Show you how to conquer challenges by activating God’s Word in your life. 

Grab your copy of The Struggle Is Real: But So is God Bible Study. Perfect for a summer or fall Bible Study. For personal study or with a small group.

Much Love,




Misty Phillip

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