By His Grace

“On this episode of By His Grace, host Misty Phillip interviews Doris Swift at the NRB conference about her new book, “Surrender the Joy Stealers: Rediscover the Jesus Joy in You.” Doris talks about the importance of finding joy even during difficult times and how it can help us share our love for Jesus. Misty and Doris discuss surrendering our joy stealers to God and finding strength in Jesus’ joy. The episode also delves into the Fierce Calling podcast, the personal relationship with Jesus, and the importance of surrendering everything to God, using our experiences for God’s glory.”

Doris Swift

In ministry for over 30 years, it’s Doris’s joy to encourage and equip women to walk deeper in God’s word and take action where their PASSION, COMPASSION, and CONVICTION intersect, in other words, their Fierce Calling. I’m an author, speaker, founder of Fierce Calling MInistires, and host of the award-winning Fierce Calling Podcast.


Topics Covered

The Importance of Joy, The Book of John’s Approach to Joy, Finding Joy in Difficult Times, The Surrendering of Joy Stealers, The Fierce Calling Podcast, Abiding in Jesus for Joy, Building a Personal Relationship with Jesus, The Value of Transparency and Overcoming Shame

Joy can shift perspectives and help others share their love for Jesus.

The Book of John emphasizes surrendering joy stealers and abiding in Him.

Author’s book on joy includes a foreword by Suzanne Eller and encourages readers to find more information about its author.

Speaker expresses gratitude for Misty’s endorsement and encouragement during hurricane season.

Speaker “lives through” their book on joy after their home floods and finds strength despite feeling exhausted.

 “Joy of the Lord is your strength” message encourages seeking refuge and building strength in Jesus’ joy.

Sharing stories of personal struggles and surrendering joy stealers to Jesus is key to finding renewed joy and peace.

Fierce Calling podcast seeks to inspire and provide listeners straightforward application of biblical truth. 

Abiding in Jesus’s love and pruning by the Father helps bear more fruit and experience the joy of Jesus.

Building a personal relationship with Christ is essential to abide and experience Jesus’s joy.

Surrendering everything to Jesus can redeem all messes for God’s glory. 

Overcoming shame and finding transparency can brighten any situation and bring us closer to Jesus.

Time Stamps

Live from NRB conference, interviewer excited to speak with Doris about her new book “Surrender the Joy Stealers” and her resilient attitude despite life’s obstacles.

At an event, women anonymously shared their joy stealers and surrendered them to God. The speaker was moved by the struggles they faced and inspired a study to work through their issues and surrender them to God.

“Fierce Calling” podcast features guests sharing stories of their passionate and compassionate work, offering practical biblical truths to inspire listeners to pursue their own calling for God’s kingdom.

Abide in Jesus to experience his joy; pruning leads to more fruit; joy is not dependent on circumstances.

 Don’t hide secrets, surrender to God, and use experiences for his glory; woman had a teen pregnancy and felt shame until meeting Jesus.

Confessing junk is freeing; care what Jesus thinks, not people; the enemy isolates us but Jesus can redeem messes.

 Choose joy even in difficult times, read Doris’ Book of John study for love and Jesus. Endorsed by Suzanne Eller. Find Doris and more about the book online.

Full Transcript

Misty Phillip

Doris Swift. Welcome to the By His Grace podcast. My friend. I’m so excited to have you here.

Doris Swift

Thank you so much for having me, Misty. I’m really excited to be here today.

Misty Phillip

Yeah. So if you all hear a little noise in the background, I don’t know if we’ll be able to edit it out. But we are live at the NRB conference and I was so excited to see that Doris was going to be here because I wanted to interview her about her new book surrender the Joy. Stealers rediscover the Jesus joy in you. And I had the incredible honor of getting a sneak peek at this before it hit the shelves when she asked me to endorse it. So if you all don’t know Doris, she is just so bubbly and full of joy, and the Jesus joy in her is just so evident. And I know that it’s not just because life’s always been super easy. The fun, funny thing about that is Doris has been working on this Bible study for a while, and she’s gone through a lot of things that could steal her joy, but she’s surrendered those joy stealers. And so I’m thinking, Doris, about you’re in the middle of writing this study and going through that and your entire home floods. Like, how do you have joy when that happens?

Doris Swift

Yes. First, I want to thank you so much, Misty. It was just such an honor for you to endorse the Bible study, so thank you for that and all those sweet, encouraging words. As always. It was definitely a challenge going through having our home flood after Hurricane Ian came through, and I just was living the book. Oftentimes you hear authors say when they’re writing a book, they’re living through it. And I can honestly say that regardless of what was happening, no matter what, I grabbed hold of the fact that Jesus told us that his joy would be in us, that our joy would be full. And I always grasped hold that my joy was full no matter what, because I had Jesus joy in me to make my joy full. So regardless of how I felt or how exhausted I was, I knew that the joy of the Lord was my strength and that it’s the strength of others. And I want to share that message and encourage other people in that as well.

Misty Phillip

Absolutely. That’s so good. And you’re right. I don’t know what it is. I’m always leery when I start a new book. Like, do I really want to write about that and what’s going to happen with that? Yeah. Because that can be a whole thing right there. But I love that you said, the joy of the Lord is our strength. It’s our strength. And I think the enemy comes at us in so many different ways and life circumstances and things happen that really try to eat at that joy and try to just take away from our joy. But if we can focus on Jesus and study His Word and get in His Word, that changes our perspective on everything.

Doris Swift

Amen. And I have spoken with so many women who feel like where they’ve been, what they’ve done, what’s been done to them, or perhaps they’re going through a really challenging or difficult season and just can’t see past it, can’t see that God can use them even in the midst of the difficult seasons in their lives. And I just felt compelled by the Lord to write this study, to encourage women. It’s a six week study, six week Bible study. And the weeks begin with revealing what threatens to steal our joy, because before we can surrender it, we need to name it and we need to recognize what it is. And then we need to respond, which is the second week, by surrendering it to the Lord. And then we need to receive the joy openly and know that we have that joy that Jesus has given us. So to receive what God has for us, and then we are renewed. We want to renew our minds. We want to be renewed and refreshed, and then we want to rest in Him and find rest because we have work to do.

Misty Phillip

Absolutely, yes.

Doris Swift

And then the last week is reach because God produces the fruit in and through us, and he wants us to bear abundant fruit and be fruitful. And so what is all that floor? It’s not for us to keep to ourselves. A vine dresser doesn’t plant a vineyard so that he can keep it all to Himself. It’s for others. And so that’s what the Lord wants to do in and through us. And so it is a strategic six week Bible study rooted in John 15, that helps women rediscover the overflowing, ever present Jesus joy within that fills them, empowers them, and ripens the fruit that God produces in their lives.

Misty Phillip

That’s so beautiful. What inspired you to write this study?

Doris Swift

There was an event that I spoke at some years ago, I believe it was 2014, and I was speaking on joy, and I asked women to write on little slips of paper what threatened to steal their joy that day. And it was all anonymous. They could write anything they want, and they deposited them into this box up front. And then they took a white carnation as like a symbolism of, yeah, I’m going to release this to God. I’m going to surrender this joy stealer today, and I’m going to take up the joy that Jesus gave me and the peace that he offers. And I don’t really think much about it. I figured there’d be things in that box, like busy schedules and different things that might overwhelm us throughout the day. But when I brought that box home and I just planned to read them and pray over them that the women wouldn’t take them back once they surrendered them. And when I read through each one. By the time I got to the last one, it was like a full on ugly cry because I just was so overwhelmed with compassion for these women who were going through such difficult seasons, and they felt safe to be honest about it, because their name wasn’t on it, but God knew who they were. There were so many things that they were dealing with addictions and marriage struggles and things with their kids and all kinds of things like that. So it just inspired the study so that women can work through their joy sealers, release them to God, because surrender is so key. And so once they can surrender those, it doesn’t mean their circumstances will even change from what they can see. But God is always doing something that they can’t see, and he wants to use them for his glory.

Misty Phillip

Yeah, absolutely. I’ve experienced that in my own life. Some of the biggest things that I held secret or private that I didn’t want to know anybody to know. But once I released that and was able to speak about it, then, now I have total freedom over it where I didn’t have that before, but now I do. And God’s brought so much healing in my life, but I had to say it, I had to admit it, I had to confess it, I had to surrender it, and then let the Lord do what only he can do. So I have a question for you. What do you hope women are going to get out of this study?

Doris Swift

I would hope women would grow closer to Jesus and that they would throw off any shame that they’re wearing right now because there’s so many women walking around with shame and the things that threaten to steal their joy. So I would hope that through this book that they can discover what their joy stealers are, what is holding them back, and then surrender it and then walk forward in their purpose and their calling. Their fierce calling.

Misty Phillip

Yeah, absolutely. We didn’t even touch on this. But Doris, you are the host of the Fierce Calling podcast, and tell everybody about your show if they don’t know your show.

Doris Swift

Thank you. Yes. On Fierce Calling, I talk with guests who are taking action where their passion, compassion and conviction intersect, which is my definition of a fierce calling because we all have something that we’re passionate about. And I want the guests to come on, share their stories, how God is using them, provide practical ways to apply that biblical truth to their lives, the lives of the listeners, so that then they can step out of any doubt they have and walk in their fierce calling. And the guests come from all walks of life. They come from all different types of ministry, service, and different things in their lives that they’ve experienced. But we’re all connected by our stories, so it is so precious to hear the stories of so many of these guests, and I would usually say women, but I’ve had a few male guests on too. So it’s been really fantastic to see how women have really been able to experience transformation just by hearing how God has brought not only the guests through, but they can look back in their own lives and see, oh yeah, God has brought me through this or that, and I do have something to offer. And what I’ve been through or what I’m going through is something that God can use for the furtherance of the kingdom.

Misty Phillip

Absolutely. Revelation says that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

Doris Swift


Misty Phillip

And so every time we tell our story, we’re overcoming, and we can help other people to overcome as well. Well, you mentioned shame is one of the big things that people hold on to, whether it’s shame or maybe it’s anger or maybe whatever those particular struggles are that they’re dealing with that really want to rob them of their joy. If someone is struggling with that, what would you tell them? How do they surrender the joy?

Doris Swift

What is so important, and as we read in John 15, is that Jesus tells us he gives us the keys to experience the joy that he has given us freely, and that is to abide in Him. And abide simply means remain. I know sometimes we can try to make things more difficult or complicated or confusing, but abide means remain, and he tells us to abide in Him. He abides in us, abide in his love as he abides in the Father’s love. And he is the vine, the true vine, and we’re the branches. And the Father is the vine dresser. And a vine dresser intricately and very personally prunes the vines so that they can bear more fruit. And it’s very delicate, it’s very intimate, and it draws us into this beautiful picture of the Trinity of God that we’re part of that. And when we abide in the vine, we will experience the joy that Jesus has already given us, which is what really the Bible study is about, is about the fact that Jesus gave us his joy, gave it to us already. It’s ours. And joy is not dependent on circumstances. It can exist simultaneously with difficult seasons in our lives. It’s not the same as happiness. It’s not based on how we feel. It’s truth. It’s God’s truth, his promise. And we can stand on that. And each day when we awaken, his mercies are new. Every morning, as the Word says.

Misty Phillip

I hold on to that one every morning.

Doris Swift


Misty Phillip

So let’s talk about remaining for a minute. So maybe we have somebody listening who doesn’t really know. They don’t know John 15, they don’t know what we’re talking about. How does someone remain in Christ? How do you stay connected to the vine?

Doris Swift

Yeah, well, it’s so important to have that personal relationship with Jesus Christ. So if you have not yet surrendered your life to Him, that is the first step and it is a beautiful thing. So many of us may have grown up in churches that never talked that way, that never mentioned anything about a personal relationship. Growing up, I knew who God was. I knew who Jesus was. I knew who the Holy Spirit was. I loved them. I knew who they were about them, but I didn’t know them personally. I didn’t know that I could have a personal relationship with Jesus and that he was my friend, that he was my Lord, and that he was my Savior. So the very first step is to surrender our lives to Christ and just admit we’re sinners. We’re all sinners saved by grace.

Misty Phillip

All of us are sinners. And it doesn’t matter how big your sin is, because I am, like Paul says, the chief of sinners. And even in the midst of our sin, jesus died that we might have life. He came while we were sinning. So don’t let your sin hold you back, because I think that goes along with that shame. We commit sin. We know it’s wrong. The enemy is our accuser and comes against us, accusing us. And so we feel like we can’t come to the Lord, but that’s where we experience freedom when we come to the Lord, and we just confess our sins.

Doris Swift

Yeah. And it’s just so freeing for us to do that. And I even wrote a post years ago entitled what if Everyone Found Out? Or something like that. What if everybody found out? Because so many of us have had things buried in the back of our closets and we don’t want anybody to know. And it takes so much energy to keep those things hidden. And we carry so much shame and worry that people would find out the truth. And if they found out, they wouldn’t like us or they would judge us. But the truth is that God knows everything, and we can surrender it all to Him. And he loves us. And maybe we’re not supposed to share it with everyone at once. We don’t want to cast our pearls before swine or what the Bible says, but God will give us opportunities to share our stories with others. And our experiences, good and bad, can be used for his glory. I had a teen pregnancy and I was a teen mom. And for years I carried shame. I wasn’t ashamed of my baby, but I was ashamed because, honestly, you can’t really hide that sin very long. It’s going to come out, people are going to notice. So instead of trying to hide the sin, I hid myself. And I didn’t want to come out. I didn’t want to see any of my friends. And that was a really challenging time in my life. I didn’t know where I fit in. I didn’t feel like I was really still a teenager, couldn’t hang out with my friends. And then I really wasn’t like a mom going to mom’s groups and those kind of things. So it was a difficult season. I had a very hard relationship. The person I was with, I was supposed to marry this person, and he did not turn out to be who he said he was. And it was a really tough time for an 18 year old girl to be going through those things. And for years I carried the shame until I met Jesus.

Misty Phillip

When you meet Jesus, it changes everything.

Doris Swift

It changed everything. It just transformed my life. And I threw off the shame. And I even actually, later on, began volunteering at a crisis pregnancy center because I had been through experience like that. I had a supportive family, but some women don’t, and they’re lost as I felt lost. So I could understand that not all of our stories are going to be the same, but we can use those experiences to minister to the hearts of others. And God really uses it in amazing ways.

Misty Phillip

That is so amazing. And I have my own closet full of junk that you can actually listen to podcasts all over the Internet and find out, because I got to the point with all my stuff, too, that once I confessed it, it was so free. And now I don’t really care what people think because I care what Jesus thinks and he’s the one that I want to please and the one that I want to serve. And so that’s beautiful. And we do have to remember that the enemy doesn’t want that for us, right? So he’s going to isolate us like you were isolated, right? The shame, the guilt, whatever tactic that he has to try to make us feel like people aren’t going to like us or the Lord won’t understand. And I just want to say, and I know you echo it, that that’s bull, right? It’s we need to bring it to Jesus and he can take our biggest messes and turn them into our message and redeem it all.

Doris Swift


Misty Phillip

Well, I want to ask you a question about the Bible. What is your favorite book in the Bible and then why there are so many currently?

Doris Swift

It’s John. This is the Bible study.

Misty Phillip

They’re all good. And when you do a Bible study, speaking from personal experience, like, you dive deep into something and it really speaks to you. And John is so rich. I listen to the audible. I listen to Max McLean read the Bible every night before I go to bed. And sometimes I listen longer. It depends on how long it takes me to settle my brain down, but that’s just my sort of way to be calm and quiet and focus on the Lord. And I’ve been listening to John lately, and the Gospels are so rich, so much goodness.

Doris Swift

They really are. And I love so many of the books. There’s so much good nuggets of truth all throughout that we tend to grab hold of. We’ll quote verses from Philippians and Ephesians. My verse in Ephesians, I believe it’s four. One is to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called. And I love that verse. John is just amazing because, of course, I’ve been studying a lot with a study, but I also love the fact that if you have a new believer or someone that’s just coming to the faith, we can point them to John and say, read John. And you really can get to know Jesus through the Book of John. I also love Esther, which is amazing because the providence of God is all over that book, but yet he’s not mentioned.

Misty Phillip

I know. Is that amazing?

Doris Swift

Yeah, it’s so amazing, and it kind of reflects the fact that we can be Jesus to the world and even we want to speak his name, but in some arenas, we might not have the opportunity right then to do it. But the way that we live our life is a living sacrifice to the Lord, and it will bring others to Christ through our grace story, through the way we actually live it out. Because, let’s face it, Christians often are called hypocrites tell us to do this, but you’re not doing it. So the way we live our life, people are watching, and then it opens doors for opportunity to meet with people on a personal level and begin relationships that way.

Misty Phillip

Yeah, and I would totally agree with that. And even the fact of having joy, just being joyful right now, our world is really crazy and people are very selfish and self centered and in their own world. And even when we’re going through difficulty, we can still show up with joy. And that radically shifts people because they don’t understand how can you have joy in the midst of name it XYZ, right? A million different things that could steal our joy, but when we just carry joy, it opens up the door for us to share our love of Jesus. So I am so excited for the women to read your words, Doris, and to do this study to really dig into the Book of John and what the Lord has to say about abiding in Him and surrendering everything that causes us to the things that want to rob us of our joy. And the book is there’s a foreword by Suzanne Eller, who wrote a book on joy. She’s been on the podcast, and so that’s a great endorsement for the book right there as well. And so I’m just so excited for you. Please tell people where they can find you and find out more about you.

Doris Swift

Thank you. Well, the best way would be to go to my website,, and you will find all of my social media links. You’ll find my podcast page and about the book where you can grab the book book and how you can be a part of this amazing journey to surrender your joy, stealers to God and rediscover the Jesus joy in you.

Misty Phillip

Yeah. That’s so great. We’ll put all of the links in the show notes. So, Doris, thank you so much for sharing your joy with me. I’m so glad to call you my friend and for sharing about your book on the podcast.

Doris Swift

Thank you so much for having me.

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