By His Grace
Evelyn Mann: The Story of a Little Man

Evelyn Mann: The Story of a Little Man

This week on By His Grace, I’m so excited to welcome Evelyn Mann. We talk about special needs children, motherhood, and miracles. We talk about our shared experiences of being told our child is “incompatible with life”, and the joys and challenges of raising children with special needs.

special needs children, motherhood, and miracles

Evelyn Mann, author of The Story of a Little Man shares the story of her beautiful son Samuel. Samuel has Thanatophoric Dysplasia, a form of dwarfism. As she walks you through their journey from pregnancy to the beautiful family they are today, it will show peace and mercy of God.

Evelyn Mann

The story of a little man

Evelyn Mann is a middle-aged, stay at home mom who lives in Tampa, FL raising her special needs son, aka the “Miracle Mann”. Her memoir, Miracle In My Living Room: The Story Of A Little Mann, chronicles her and her husband’s journey of faith from medical diagnosis to overcoming all odds. The popular blog,, shares Evelyn’s journey as the mother of a miracle.

Samuel Mann

The story of a little man

Samuel Mann aka the “Little Mann” is a miracle and blessing. He is 11 years old and weighs only 26 lbs.
Like most kids, he likes to laugh, giggle, and have lots of fun. His favorite song is the “Happy Birthday” song. He also enjoys watching Elmo and home videos on his iPad.

You can find out more about the Mann’s at Miracle Mann Blog


Miracle In My Living Room & Devotional – Thriving Through Your Trials

Thriving Through Your Trials: Devotions of Miracles, Faith, and Prayer

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Fix Your Eyes on Jesus 

Fix Your Eyes on Jesus 

Fix Your Eyes on Jesus: My Biggest Takeaway from the Book of Colossians 

by Baylee Dunn

On December 30th, 1998, I entered the world under the most bizarre of circumstances. I had an anoxic stroke, losing all of the blood flow and oxygenation to my brain. This stroke resulted in a condition known as Optic Nerve Atrophy. In non-medical terms, this means that I have no peripheral vision, limited depth perception, difficulty in color perception, and a hard time with visual processing. Basically, my brain and my eyes do not like to communicate with one another. Therefore, since they are at odds, my physical vision is deeply affected. 

For a long while, I viewed this difference in my physical abilities as a hindrance, a struggle that was all too real. As a child, it took me quite a while to realize that I was created any differently than my peers. As a teenager, I concluded that I was, indeed, different than those around me in terms of my visual abilities. As a result, I spent some time angry – angry at the circumstances, angry at myself for being unable to change them, and angry at God for creating what I then perceived to be a broken thing.

Why me, Lord?” I would wonder aloud. “How am I supposed to function when I cannot see anything to the left or to the right without turning my head?”

I would question, almost daily. 

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

That is until I came across this passage of scripture, Colossians 3:2-4, which reads,

“2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. 3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” 

When I read this passage, I understood that perhaps, my physical eyesight would never have to be perfect to see and experience the glory of the Lord. I realized that what I once viewed as my greatest hindrance was actually the greatest way to inform others of the goodness of God. It is in our broken places that the Lord’s love and His light shine the brightest through us. 

Friend, I want to encourage you today to take your struggle to the Lord – whatever it may be. Lay it down at his feet. He loves you, He cares for your every need, and He is holding you close to His heart. In Him, your broken pieces are made whole and your darkness is exposed to light. The chains that are holding you down will break if you only say His name. Set your eyes on Heaven. It is truly the best view. 

Be Blessed, 


Colossians 3:2-4

Colossians 3:2-4

Wow! Isn’t Baylee amazing? I am so grateful to have her on my team!! You will be hearing from her here regularly. She has a lot of wisdom for a young woman, and I love that I get to mentor her.

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By His Grace Podcast

By His Grace Podcast

For more encouragement be sure to subscribe to the By His Grace podcast. Subscribe here Check out this fun recent episode I did with my friend Stephanie Pletka on living your best life! Listen here.

The Struggle is Real: But so is God

The Struggle is Real: But so is God

If you are struggling with all that is happening in our world today friend, be sure to check out my Bible study The Struggle is Real: But so is God.

Grab a copy today at Amazon!

Much Love,

Blessings from Brokenness: Five Scriptures to Cling to in the Dark 

Blessings from Brokenness: Five Scriptures to Cling to in the Dark 

Blessings from Brokenness: Five Scriptures to Cling to in the Dark 

by Baylee Dunn

Many people love the summer time –  the sun is shining, children are laughing, and there are memories to be made. For me, summer brings with it joy and sorrow interwoven into one. It is as if the summer breeze brings a palpable heaviness.

Yet, there is so much joy to be found in that space.

I remember the date as if it were yesterday – July 20th, 2018. I laid still in bed unable to stop the spiral of thoughts from encircling in my mind. “Why can’t I just sleep?” I wondered. It had been sixteen days without it, and, unfortunately, I would soon discover the consequences of stress, sadness, and grief when coupled with such drastic sleep deprivation. For me, this cycle of sleeplessness, delusions, paranoia, and panic would ultimately lead to two psychiatric hospitalizations over the course of that summer, and an eventual diagnosis the next fall. “You have Bipolar Disorder with Psychotic Features,” are words that I will not soon forget. They are etched into my memory and with every breath I take, I carry them. That is my clinical diagnosis, but my identity lies deep within the scriptures. You see, I am not my diagnosis. I am a daughter of the king

That is my clinical diagnosis, but my identity lies deep within the scriptures. You see, I am not my diagnosis. I am a daughter of the king. -@Baylee Dunn Share on X

Here are five scriptures that I clung to during this season.

I hope and pray that each one of them encourages you in your walk with the Lord. May you always know that whatever you face, you are never alone. May the Lord shine his light upon you today and every day! Friend, you are loved. 

Isaiah 26:3-4 “ 3 You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. 4 Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Proverbs 31:25 “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.”

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” 

Hey y’all, I am Baylee Dunn. I write on faith and the struggles that we face in life from a Biblical perspective. I am a college student, daughter, sister, friend, and lover of Chick Fil A.

Blessings From Brokenness

Blessings From Brokenness

So excited to welcome Baylee Dunn to By His Grace as an intern! I met Baylee through Hopewriter’s and instantly fell in love with her. She is a precious young woman with a huge heart for the Lord. If you don’t know Baylee, you should she is a ray of sunshine! Baylee is a college student who will be working with me as she pursues her dreams of one day writing a book.

Much Love, Misty


Jessica Wolstenholm: Laugh and Grow

Jessica Wolstenholm: Laugh and Grow

The struggle to find family-friendly entertainment and good media is real! This is why I am so excited to welcome Jessica Wolstenhom to the By His Grace Podcast this week. Jessica is the Editorial Director of the Laugh and Learn Bible for kids. We talk about the video streaming platform Minnow and the Laugh and Learn Bible for Kids.

Popular programs on Minnow include Veggies Tales, Allegories, What’s in the Bible Series, Bible Man, Super Friends, and much more. Minnow TV

In the Minnow Laugh And Grow Bible for kids, Phil Vischer helps take really big theological concepts and breaks them down into easily understandable bite-sized pieces in fun and engaging ways. The Minno Laugh and Grow Bible is intentionally designed to help families journey through the Bible in one year. Jess Wolstenholm Bio + Headshot (1).pdf



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