By His Grace
Adorable Bedtime Story Giveaway!

Adorable Bedtime Story Giveaway!

I’m Going to Give You a Bear Hug is a captivating children’s book by Caroline B. Cooney, and Tim Warnes illustrates it. When my boys were young, I loved reading them bedtime stories! We spent hours reading our favorite books over and over. The kids loved it when I would vary my tone and inflection and make silly voices throughout the stories. We would laugh, snuggle and give night night kisses and hugs just before bed. Those were sweet times, and I have very fond memories.

Since my boys are all big now, and I don’t have grandkids yet, when I got the opportunity to review this adorable book, I knew exactly where to go! Across the street to my sweet neighbor’s house to share I’m going to give you a Bear Hug! Baby Piper loved looking at the pictures while her momma read to her. So cute!


“I am going to give you a bear hug. A show you how much I care hug. A good night, Sleep tight, Way beyond compare hug.”

I love the lyrical way the words roll off your tongue as you read about all the different types of hugs given by the adorable animals in this book. The book is filled with sweet little lovable creatures wrapped up in a snuggly embrace. Check out the video below to get a glimpse of this charming bedtime story.

I’m Going to Give You a Bear Hug is the perfect book to snuggle up next to your favorite little person and read. Reading this book takes me back to my own childhood, to a time of butterfly kisses, and big bear hugs. This is the perfect little bedtime story. It is a sweet story, and it isn’t too long or too short, but just like Goldilocks, it is just right.


I love  I’m Going to Give You a Bear Hug! This cute book would make the perfect gift for any little person in your life! It is sure to become a bedtime favorite.

Leave a comment below if you would like to enter to win your very own copy!

Image 4-9-17 at 5.16 PM

I’m Going to Give You a Bear Hug (Zonderkidz, December 27, 2016) by Caroline B. Cooney and Illustrated by Tim Warner. Cooney is the bestselling author of 90 Young Adult novels in many genres, and her books have sold over 15 million copies (oh my goodness, yes!). I’m Going to Give You a Bear Hug is her first picture book and is based on a verse she wrote years ago for her children who are now grown.

Whether you are looking for a book to pop open and snuggle up with a little one in your life or to tuck in an Easter basket, I’m Going to Give You a Bear Hug is one adventure you don’t want to miss. The book’s clever use of different animals and ways to hug makes anyone who reads it just feel better about the gift we have to love on each other. It could even prompt more hugs in your household as you think of ways of how you express hugs and why you do so. You’ll read lines like:

“I’m going to give you a dog hug.
A knock over chairs,
Chase up the stairs,
And sleep like a log hug.”  

“I’m going to give you a duck hug.
A webbed feet,
Feathered seat,
Waddle through the muck hug.”

A special thank you to The Blog About Network, The Blythe Daniel Agency and publishers for providing a copy of this book for review and one to giveaway.

Busy, Busy, So Dreadfully Busy!

When did life become so busy? I can’t tell you how many times have I asked friends how they are doing, and their response to me is “busy!” I know I have echoed that same sentiment too many times! When did “busy” become an answer to how we are doing? Not “I am fine,” or “doing well,” our lives are filled with busy. Busy has become the new good!

We run from thing to thing to thing, without leaving much room in our lives for margin or borders. Dance lessons, soccer practice, art class—our children are growing up in a world that demands busyness.

[ctt template=”2″ link=”8xnku” via=”yes” ]Better, faster, more. But is that really better?[/ctt]


Why do we over-schedule our lives so much? Are we afraid that we might miss out on something? Are we meant to live a life of exhaustion and burnout? I don’t think so. I love  Jesus’ instructions to us in Matthew 11:28-30.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

We need quiet time in our life to give our burdens to the Lord, so that we may find rest for our souls. I think “busyness” is a ploy from the enemy of our souls to leave us disconnected and exhausted.

[ctt template=”2″ link=”beMYj” via=”yes” ]How can we experience true community if we are running ourselves ragged?[/ctt]

We need borders and margins in our life so that we are available to move and go as the Holy Spirit guides and directs us. When we are so busy, we don’t have time to minister to the needs of others.

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:30-31

How can we love our neighbors when we don’t even have time in our schedules to know our neighbors? If the greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all our heart, mind and strength, and loving our neighbors comes in at a close second.

Then why don’t we focus more time and energy loving others?


We were created for rest. There is a cycle, a rhythm of work and rest. Even the God of the universe that spoke the world into existence rested. The Omnipotent God that is beyond the fabric of time and space created and worked for six days, and then on the seventh day, rested.

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.  So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation. -Genesis 2:1-3 ESV

God rested and so should we! This is something that is very hard for me as a person with type-A driven personality, and if I am not careful, I can work myself into a frenzy. Lately, God is showing me a gentle and easy way. As I make my time with Him a priority, getting lost in His presence I become more like him. God is showing me that I have to let go of some good things in life in order to do the best things.


I challenge you to take time this week to evaluate how you spend your time. Do you have ample time to spend with God—to pray, to read and study the word? Do you have time in your schedule to rest? Would you be available to take a meal to someone or find time to pray for others? Are there good things in your schedule that you need to let go?

Praying that the God of all wisdom would guide and direct your steps this week! Let me know if I can pray for you. if you are overscheduled and need to find some margin in your life I pray that you would be bold enough to let go of anything that keeps you from God’s best for your life.



Exciting News!

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and look forward to all that God has in store for you this week. I have exciting news to share with you today! Last week I shared a post about Philanthropy, and I have to tell Y’all I fell in love with the company and its vision. So much so that I am going to start guest posting for them on a regular basis at I will keep you posted on the detail as things progress.

Philanthropy where fashion meets compassion!

Philanthropy where fashion meets compassion!

The Lord is beginning to open all kinds of doors for me. Today you will find me guest posting at Terri Luvs Books You will see my review of Rebekah Lyons book; You Are Free: Be Who You Already Are. I met Rebekah at the Broken and Free Tour. I had a fantastic experience at Broken and Free, and you can read about it here if you missed it. Wisdom from Broken & Free Tour


Later this week I will be featured at The Laundry Moms, You can find out about the wild night when I was knocked on the girls night out!  The Laundry Moms

Finally, please continue voting for me in A Wife’s Secret to Happiness- #Wifestylin writer’s contest. You can continue to vote daily on this link: Writer’s Contest by scrolling down until you see my picture and hit the “like” under my picture! The competition is pretty fierce because there are some pretty incredible prizes. I appreciate each and every vote. Y’all are the best!  I hope you have a fantastic week!

Much Love, Misty







Writer’s Contest – Please vote for me!

By His Grace Blog Friends,

I need your help today! Recently, I posted a review for A Wife’s Secret to Happiness- #Wifestylin. As a part of this review, I entered a writing contest, and that is where you come in.

Would you please go to this link Jen Weaver’s Writing Contest and scroll down until you see my picture and hit “like” to vote for my entry?


Also, Make sure you leave a comment on my post A Wife’s Secret to Happiness- #Wifestylin to be entered to win a copy of this awesome book!

Jen Weaver

Thanks so much for your help! Have a fantastic day!

Blessings, Misty

Intentional and Meaningful Social Media

I wrote this post for the Young-Wives this week and since I think it is such an important message I wanted to share it with you all here too! Hope you enjoy it!

texting-1490691I was having dinner with a group of friends recently. I adore this particular group of women—we have been friends for almost twenty years now. We started out in a young married Bible Study class together and had the sweetest friendships ever since. We have loved one another through both good times and bad times. Over the course of the past twenty years, we have watched our children grow and have hosted more baby showers and birthdays than I can remember. We have celebrated life and death together, and because of that, we have a very special bond. We talk about anything and everything from husbands to kids to hormones.

[ctt template=”2″ link=”ZU5r1″ via=”yes” ]They challenge me to be who I am supposed to be and remind me of why it is so important to have authentic real life in person community.[/ctt]

One of my friends told us how she was monitoring the amount of time her children spent on various apps online by checking their phone batteries, and the percentage of time that they devote to each app. My friend realized it was both eye-opening and convicting to see how much time can be spent mindlessly wasted online. Our conversation then turned to something I haven’t been able to get out of my mind:

[ctt template=”2″ link=”MYaJ2″ via=”yes” ]The unintended consequences of social media and its effects on young people, especially young women.[/ctt]

Let me just start out by saying I love social media, just as much as the next person. I love posting pictures of things that interest me, looking for inspiration and being able to keep in touch with my friends and family. When I don’t know what to cook for dinner, I love scrolling through Pinterest to see what recipes are trending. Social media can be a source of great inspiration, but if I am not careful, I can waste time scrolling through social media posts instead of doing other more meaningful activities.

My concern is about social media are the extreme cases. When problems can manifest that range anywhere from the comparison of self to others to unrealistic perceptions of friends or body image, leading to depression or worse, narcissism and idolatry.

Social media provides the photoshopped highlight reel of life.

Real life is messy. Real life is not always Instagram or Pinterest-worthy.

Real life can be challenging, but I want you to know that you have inherent worth as daughters of the Most-High King! You are beautiful and wonderfully made by the lover of your soul. He loves you exactly the way He created you!

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. -Psalm 139:13-16 ESV

[ctt template=”2″ link=”WUMHd” via=”yes” ]We are free to be ourselves, uniquely created to fulfill our distinctive calling in this world.[/ctt]

Ladies, don’t get caught up in the online comparison game of yourself with others. Know that you are loved by the King of Kings and that he has a purpose and plan for your life, and His plan is perfect. The perils of social media are that it makes us think that we are to look like what the world thinks we should look like, instead of the way that God intends us to be.

So what do we do about it? Do we all become Amish and abandon technology altogether? No! God has placed us in this world to be a light. Instead, we are to be wise to the trappings of the world and the internet, and we are to protect ourselves.

When Jesus was preparing to send his disciples out on their mission to the world, in Matthew 10:16, He says, “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” In this passage, Jesus is using a figure of speech to teach his disciples. Wolves are predatory animals that prey on sheep, so, therefore, we must remain innocent in an evil world that set on our destruction.


We should be mindful of our time online and view everything through the lens of Philippians 4:8.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. – Philippians 4:8 ESV

What can we do to guard ourselves against the perils of social media?

  1. Have friends in real life that you do life with. Online relationships can be great, but there is no substitute for real life community. Through my blog, I have become acquainted with many God-fearing, God-loving women that I would not have otherwise known without access to the incredible technology available at my fingertips. But there is no substitute for laughing with a friend over coffee, taking a walk with a loved one, or gathering together with other moms and kiddos in tow for a fun day at the park.
  2. Be intentional with your time online. Be mindful of how much time you are mindlessly scrolling online. Don’t sacrifice time with those God has put right in front of you to be online. Put your device away and spend time in fellowship with your friends and loved ones, and encourage friends and family members to do the same.
  3. Take your thoughts captive when you are online. Scripture tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:5, “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ” Don’t allow the lofty opinions of others or altered images and skewed realities to turn you away from what is true.
  4. Remember your identity is in Christ. You are a child of God, and because you are HIS PRECIOUS CHILD, you have inherent worth and purpose. Jesus Christ knows you and loves you and calls you by name.



Last week, I went to Market Street in The Woodlands, Texas with the boys for our dental check-up and cleaning. If you know anything about Market Street, you know it is a high-end luxury shopping center that plays host to some great little shops, restaurants, and is the location of our dentist. Market Street is a popular shopping destination, and sometimes parking can be a challenge. I was running a bit late and was so glad to pull in and find a spot close to the dentist. On my way to the dentist, I passed this charming new boutique, and I knew from the look of it that I would have to check it out after our appointment.

The store is Philanthropy, and I fell in love with it from the moment I walked in the door! Philanthropy is a Christ-centered retailer, and you can feel it from the time you step foot in the store.

Philanthropy where fashion meets compassion!

Instantly I knew that there was something special about this store. When we walked into the boutique, we were greeted at the door by a sweet guy with a great smile. One of my boys was wearing a football shirt, and they struck up a conversation about football for a little while. Little did I know that he was not only the owner of the store, but he was a former NFL football player, Jackie Battle. He couldn’t wait to tell me about the store and show me around. Jackie enthusiastically shared Philanthropy’s vision. A leader in cause-driven retail, they believe in giving. A minimum of 10% of the proceeds from their sales goes to support charities. Then he took me over to the wall pictured below, and 100% of the proceeds from the t-shirts here are donated to charity organizations.

Philanthropy where fashion meets compassion!

From there, Jackie introduced me to his beautiful wife Christine as she headed out the door. With a beaming smile on his face, he took me to the prayer chapel. Jackie and Christine believe in the transformative power of prayer and each store houses a prayer chapel. Guests in the store are encouraged to leave a prayer request, and Jackie and his wife and their staff pray for and with their guests daily. In the midst of this retail space, lives are transformed through the power of Jesus Christ.

Philanthropy where fashion meets compassion!

From the beautiful way the store was laid out, to the variety of merchandise they sell, I loved it all! Everything was fantastic—from the clothes, books, jewelry, and knick-knacks, this place has a little bit for everyone.

Philanthropy where fashion meets compassion!

I could have spent hours taking in all the attractive displays and browsing through the merchandise, but I had my boys with me, and we needed to go, but not before I found a great top and a beautiful necklace. If you are in the Houston area, then you have to go to Philanthropy! The store is located at 9595 Six Pines Dr. #1360 The Woodlands, TX.

Philanthropy where fashion meets compassion!

Philanthropy’s collections are affectionately known as Timeless, Fearless and Priceless. Since its inception in 2007, Philanthropy has donated more than $800,000 to local charities. Philanthropy Market Street is the newest location, and they also have boutiques in Franklin, TN, Cape Girardeau, MO, and St. Augustine, FL.

I was so impressed with the store and its owners and their vision that I couldn’t wait to share it with all of my readers. Philanthropy is a store where fashion meets compassion, and it is the kind of store that as a Jesus girl I want to support. Bonus, I found this super cute top I am wearing in this picture and it has quickly become a favorite!

Misty Phillip

To learn more about Philanthropy be sure to check out


Magnolia Market & Easter Inspiration!

My husband took me to Magnolia Farms in Waco, TX recently. I am a huge fan of HGTV’s Fixer Upper and I was so excited to finally make it to Waco to see the Silos and visit Magnolia Market!

Misty and Peter Magnolia Sign

I love Joanna Gaine’s style and love the way she and Chip banter with one another. You can tell that they love one another, love their family, and that they enjoy what they do. Isn’t that what life is all about? Love God, and love others!

Magnolia Market Flowers

Shopping at the Silos was so inspiring. There were beautiful vignettes all throughout the store and plenty of photo opportunities.

Dried Cotton Flowers

We were at Magnolia Market on a Friday, and it was a gorgeous day, but the crowds were pretty large. Which made it difficult to see everything. If I have a chance to go back, I think I will go on Tuesday morning, and hopefully, it won’t be as crowded. I loved all of the flowers inside the shop and the gardens outside the shop.

Large Flower Pot

Just in time for Spring, one thing caught my eye and I knew that I needed to take it home was the boxwood wreath I saw hanging on the wall. I knew that it would make a great addition to my front door, and would take me from Spring to Fall. Here it is pictured below with some topiaries I had in my entryway and these precious little bunnies I found at Home Goods. What do you think?

Easter Front Door

This got me thinking that Easter is only one month away, and I have barely gotten everything taken down and put away from Christmas. However, I really want our Easter Celebration to be special as special as our Christmas this year. I want to focus on the Resurrection power we have through Jesus Christ and am praying about ways to make this an important part of our time together as a family.

Magnolia Farms Boxes

This year I decided to pull out my parent’s wedding china and use it for our Easter celebration. I miss my parents so much and have fond memories of eating off of these plates throughout the holidays. I look forward to incorporating this into my Easter Table this year.

Easter Place Setting

I threw together this centerpiece with stuff I had from previous years, and just love the way this bunny looks nestled within the eggs and flowers.

Easter Table Center Piece

So what about you friend? I would love to know what traditions you celebrate at Easter. Do you have anything special planned this year? Leave me a comment, and let me know what you are doing for your Easter Celebration!


Wisdom from Broken & Free Tour

What would you ask Ann Voskamp, Christy Nockels or Rebekah Lyons if you could sit across from them and ask a question?

I decided that I wanted to get an encouraging word from these women to share with my fellow Christian blogger friends and ministry partners. God has called us to an amazing journey but it has its own set of challenges that these women are all too familiar with!

I recently attended the broken and free tour and over the course of the evening, we worshiped God with Christy Nockels and listened to inspiring messages from Ann Voskamp and Rebekah Lyons.IMG_1591.JPG

I have been following and Ann Voskamp’s blog for many years and her book 1000 Gifts was life-changing for me!  I was reading it during my pregnancy with my baby Liam who had trisomy 18. Ann’s wisdom helped me take the most excruciatingly painful experiences and pour it out in an offering of gratitude and thanksgiving to the Lord and to others. If you’ve never had the chance to read 1000 gifts or her nearest book The Broken Way, I would highly recommend them!

You can not feel fear & gratitude at the same time.-Ann Voskamp


Christy Nockels and her husband Nathan started off in Houston many years ago. I had the opportunity to see them when they came to Champion Forest Baptist Church in the 1990’s and have loved them ever since. Christy’s music has always taken me into the presence of the Lord during some of my most difficult times and some of my sweetest memories of worship.


This was my first opportunity to meet Rebecca Lyons. I loved her message of freedom and feel like we are probably somewhat kindred spirits since we both know the joy and the pain of raising a special needs son.


My one question for them was this: looking back over the course of your ministry, what one piece of advice would you give your younger self?

The wisdom these ladies shared did not disappoint.

Ann Voskamp took her cue from Beth Moore and said if you are writing a Bible Study to teach it to the ladies God puts in front of you. She said to teach it to the people right in front of you, get feedback, and do business with the Lord there working that thing out. She concluded by saying to pour your life out as an offering and let the Lord use you right where you are, and Rebekah Lyons shared a similar sentiment about ministering to those God puts right in front of you.

I love the wisdom Christy Nockels shared about ministering from a place of rest! It is easy to get caught up on a hamster wheel of life, and ministry is no exception. Christy’s message was similar to a word that I received last year from Beth Moore, which was “enjoy the process.” The video below is Christy’s response to me, I hope it encourages you as much as it encouraged me.

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Broken things can become new! – Ann Voskamp

Shauna Groves was our host for the evening, and one of the highlights of the evening was when Compassion International  signed people up to sponsor children. Compassion is helping release people from poverty all around the world.


Jesus Christ came to heal our brokenness and set the captives free! Are you walking in freedom today my friend? Do you know the lover of your soul? Do you have an intimate relationship with him? He loves you, and He came to save you! As we prepare our hearts to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus during Easter this year, I challenge you to go deeper in your relationship with Him!

Seek Jesus, Study the Word, and Grow in Grace

Please drop me a note if you are in need of prayer today. I would love to pray for you!

Much Love, Misty


Why didn’t anyone ever tell me about Jesus?

Today I am honored to share a story with you about a sweet friend of mine. My beautiful friend’s countenance is full of joy, and her smile radiates Jesus! We were together the other day, and as we sat across from one another and shared our hearts for the Lord and all that He is doing in our lives, tears streamed down her face. She said how can people know the joy of the Lord and not share it with others? Then she said, “why didn’t anyone ever tell me about Jesus?” My heart sank. What stops us from telling others about Jesus?

Why didn’t anyone ever tell me about Jesus?

That was the cry of my friend’s heart. She wondered why no one had ever shared the beautiful gospel message of hope in Jesus Christ with her before. She didn’t understand how someone could have this gift of faith and not share it. She didn’t become a Christian until adulthood and had come from a broken home marked by pain and suffering.

My friend was a corporate professional facing a difficult time in her life. She was searching for something but was coming up empty.


[ctt template=”2″ link=”012cG” via=”yes” ]We have a God-shaped hole in our heart that only Jesus can fill![/ctt]

Just then a young lady who worked for her approached her about attending a Bible Study. She anxiously drove across town to attend Bible Study. She didn’t even know what Bible Study was, but it was there while attending Bible Study that she gave her heart to the Lord and became a Christian.

My friend’s husband was hostile to the gospel. He did not want her to go to Bible Study. He thought she was joining a cult. When she returned home from Bible Study that evening, he had locked her out of her house! After many tears and crying out to the Lord eventually her husband surrendered his life to the call of Jesus too. This couple is now on fire for the Lord and raising their children in a Christian home.

How often do we fail to share our faith with others?

My friend had a valid point. Why and how did she walk around on this planet for over 30 years and never know about the saving redeeming love of Jesus Christ? Shame on us as Christians if we don’t tell others about Jesus. We have been given the greatest gift that has ever been given! How can we keep it for ourselves, and not share?

[ctt template=”2″ link=”skAcY” via=”yes” ]Sometimes I think we don’t share because we are afraid, or we are not sure what to say.[/ctt]

However, Jesus tells us not to fear and reassures us that the Holy Spirit will give us words to share when we don’t know what to say or how to pray. We are all called to share the love of Christ with the world and should always be prepared to share the hope with us.

but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect – 1 Peter 3:15

There are hurting and lost people all around us who need the hope of the gospel. I love what Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church,

” we are not waiting on a move of God, we are a move of God”!

My Pastor David Fleming of Champion Forest Baptist Church says,”know, grow, go”.  Once we know the love and saving the grace of Christ, and we grow in wisdom and maturity through reading and studying the word, and through prayer, then we need to go tell others. We are called to Move Toward the Mess.

What are we waiting for?

Like my friend, Debi Chapman said at the Refresh Gathering, what we do matters. Christian friend, we need to be busy about our Father’s work. The church needs us to move and share the love of Christ with others now. It is time for us to go. What are we waiting for?

This week I challenge you to invite a friend, a neighbor, or even a stranger to a church service or Bible Study, or better yet tell them about the hope that lies within you. Find a way to share how Jesus has changed your life and in doing so you could change someone’s eternity.

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I would love to hear about how you are sharing your Faith with others.

Linking up with the following.




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